Dr. Mark Lanier visits Biblical Institute in Zagreb

It is our great pleasure to announce that famous American lawyer and author Dr. Mark Lanier is coming to Croatia.

Dr. Mark Lanier will be having a lecture on the credibility of the Christian faith on 6. 4. 2017 (Thursday) at 19h in the premises of the Croatian Chamber of Crafts (Hrvatska obrtnička komora) Ilica 49 / II. Welcome! 

Krsc-na-sudu-naslovna-small-699x1024In addition to being a renown lawyer, Dr. Mark Lanier is a committed Christian who loves to teach the Bible and he uses his attorney skills for apologetics of Christianity. The result is his book Christianity in court that the Biblical Institute issued in Croatian language in 2016, and it is also the reason why he will came to Croatia next month.